Wellbeing/ happiness & productivity

- Offices with scenic views, as well as high quality indoor environments, could help employees become more productive, research suggests.
- The scenic quality of our daily environments has a direct correlation on our personal wellbeing, researchers say.
- A team from Warwick business school led by Chanuki Seresinhe, has identified a connection between surroundings and an individual’s sense of wellbeing. People in more scenic areas appear happier and healthier over their urban counterparts.
- Scientific investigation is still ongoing but a much publicised study shows that exposure to nature reduces stress and that accessible natural areas may be vital for mental health.
The implications for businesses are profound as Seresinhe points out:
“People spend a lot of time at work and their environment definitely affects them. So if pleasant scenery makes people feel better, there’s a good case that the scenicness of their working environment will have a similar effect.”
To see the Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America article, CLICK HERE!
Of course, theories of the aesthetics of workplaces and the impact the surroundings have on employee wellbeing is nothing new.
A slew of research reveals how everything from artwork on the walls to workstations with natural light boost productivity.
“Longer distance views, away from computer screens or written documents, allow the eyes to adjust and re-focus, which reduces fatigue, headaches and the effects of eye strain in the long term. Views also have a positive impact on wellbeing, in part by providing a psychological connection with other groups of people while in a safe space,” states a report from the World Green Building Council.
It’s with these principles in mind that One Springfield Drive was developed. If you are interested in finding our more, please contact us.